Duality is an attribute of mind. What is in truth undifferentiated, is differentiated by mind, giving one and all the illusion of a life within life. Of two rather than One. For in truth, you do not have a life, you are life - living itself.
The difference between the realized and the unrealized is the realized know this is a dream, while the unrealized do not. It is the difference between a dreamer that does not know they are dreaming and a lucid dreamer that does.
The realized knows they are the impersonal living through the personal while the sleeper only knows the personal while completely unconscious of themselves as the Impersonal.
The Lucid dreamer allows the dream to unfold having Faith in the Whole. The Dreamer that sleeps, unconscious of its true undifferentiated Self, tries to manipulate the dream to its own personal likes and dislikes.
The purpose of meditation is to recognize what is differentiated, is undifferentiated. Meditation unites two into one.
The Conscious Mind (Adam) Aka thought rises out of its Temporary Temple (Eve) so that what is in truth One, becomes two. Meditation brings the two - Adam & Ever - back together as One. Once the Temple has been purified, the conscious mind can rest in peace (RIP - death of Ego) within it. This allows the true Self to flow through the purified and whole mind, blessing all the world with its Love and Light.
~ Love Tracy